From ELIJAH SOUNDS, the new single featuring King Roach, & Divin3 R3fl3ctions . Available on Spotify, Apple Music and all music streaming outlets..  Artwork by Nuva Sekakuku 

From Elijah Sounds  - “Hopiland Winter 2024”. Available on Spotify and all music streaming outlets worldwide! Watch the ride

THIRD MESA MUSIC  presents  Brand new music "STYLE & FASHION" with The Mighty 602 Band featuring Divin3 R3fl3ctions & Conspiracy Horns. Available on Spotify and all music streaming platforms - May 1st 2024..  Request this song on radio as it's going on the live wire ASAP... Big Respect to Bunny Bon Seeyouma for the artwork. New Mexico represents....
#nmstyleandfashion #casperoriginallandlord  #themighty602band

A great night of music and awareness of the continued exploitation of our native sisters worldwide! This one Nice vibes everytime! Come eat!

Our sisters need us!

Montreal Canada with 602 and Keven Kinsella - 2022

The brand new single "Stepin in the light" available on Spotify and all streaming music outlets on February 16th 2024  

From long time with William "King Roach" Banks - 2023